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Special Marine Consultants

“Moving into 2022 and beyond, we’re really excited by the opportunity to further develop our people, service offering, and working relationship with Ørsted, in keeping with our commitments to maintain our position as the ‘gold standard’ for offshore inspection and maintenance services.”


Energy Pathfinder - Promoting Access to Procurement Opportunities

In 2021 Ocean Winds started discussions with the North Sea Transition Authority (formerly the Oil and Gas Authority) to create a variant to the Energy Pathfinder supply chain portal.  The free-to-use portal exists to promote and track procurement opportunities in the offshore energy sector.


ORE Catapult's Hackathon Winners

Having impressed ScottishPower Renewables at ORE Catapult’s inaugural Hackathon, FEA has established a flourishing relationship with the energy industry giant to explore aspects of site layout optimisation and cable route optimisation for offshore wind.



The funding enabled EchoBolt to develop a customer version of its bolt integrity analysis software, BoltWatch, giving customers immediate visibility of asset health. Working with energy giant RWE’s operations engineers, EchoBolt was able to design a tailored product specific to the needs of the Offshore Wind market and provide a platform to perform EchoBolt inspections at customers’ sites.


Innovative Supply Chain Engagement

The Dogger Bank team worked with north-east based business development organisation NOF to deliver the events. Fully funded to be accessible to all size of suppliers from SME to Tier 1, the events took place throughout the year both online and in person.

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